Corestate Capital Holding S.A.
As a real estate investment manager, Corestate Capital Holding runs a fully integrated business model, offering all relevant services for indirect investments in real estate
Issuer: Corestate Capital Holding S.A.
Ticker: CCAP GY
Country: Germany
Sector: Diversified Financials / Real Estate
Offer size: EUR 200m (EUR 100,000 per bond)
Coupon range: 1.000% – 1.750% p.a. (semiannually)
Conversion premium: 25.0% – 30.0% above the reference price
Issue price: 100% of the principal amount
Maturity: 5 years
Final pricing terms: 1.375% Coupon, 27.5% Conversion premium
Use of Proceeds: Refinancing of existing debt and general corporate purposes
Berenberg Role: Joint Global Coordinator & Joint Bookrunner
Syndicate: Berenberg, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley (Joint Global Coordinators & Joint Bookrunners), Jefferies (Joint Bookrunner)
- Launch of ABB: 21 November 2017
- Pricing date: 21 November 2017
Borealis Finance LLC
Borealis Finance LLC
Borealis is a privately owned and independent shipping management company
Issuer: Borealis Finance LLC
Ticker: BRSFIN
Country: Germany / Marshall Islands
Deal type: Senior Secured Bond
Volume: USD 150m
Coupon/ Maturity: 7.500% 11/2022
Use of Proceeds: Refinancing of bank debt, additional vessel acquisitions and general corporate purposes
Syndicate: Berenberg, DNB Bank, Pareto Securities (Joint Global Coordinators & Joint Bookrunners), Credit Agricole (Co-Lead Manager)
Berenberg Role: Joint Global Coordinator/ Joint Bookrunner
Date: Nov 2017
Encavis AG (formerly Capital Stage AG)
Encavis AG (formerly Capital Stage AG)
Encavis AG (formerly Capital Stage AG) is the largest German independent power producer and asset manager, acquiring and operating renewable energy plants
Issuer: Encavis AG (formerly Capital Stage AG)
Ticker: CAP GY
Country: Germany
Sector: Renewables
Listing: Regulated Market of Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Prime Standard)
Offer size: EUR 97.3m (EUR 100,000 per bond)
Coupon range: 5.000% – 5.500% p.a. (semiannually)
Conversion premium: 22.5% – 27.5% above the reference price
Issue price: 100% of the principal amount
Maturity: No fixed maturity, first call date in 6 years
Final pricing terms: 5.250% Coupon, 25.0% Conversion premium
Use of Proceeds: New investments in wind and solar parks as well as general corporate purposes
Berenberg Role: Joint Global Coordinator & Joint Bookrunner
Syndicate: Berenberg, Morgan Stanley (Joint Global Coordinators & Joint Bookrunners)
- Launch of ABB: 6 September 2017
- Pricing date: 6 September 2017
- First call date: 13 September 2023 (6 years)
Demire Real Estate AG
Demire Real Estate AG
German public real estate company focused on quality offices, retail and logistics properties across Germany in secondary locations
Issuer: Demire Real Estate AG
Ticker: DMRE GY
Deal type: Senior Unsecured Bond Tap
Country: Germany
Volume: EUR 130m
Yield/ Maturity: 2.595% 07/2022
Use of Proceeds: Refinance existing indebtedness (including prepayment fees) and general corporate purposes
Syndicate: Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley (Joint Global Coordinators & Joint Bookrunners), Berenberg (Joint Bookrunner)
Berenberg Role: Joint Bookrunner
Date: Sep 2017
TAG Immobilien AG
TAG Immobilien AG
TAG owns about 83,000 apartments with a regional exposure to northern and eastern Germany
Issuer: TAG Immobilien AG
Ticker: TEG GY
Country: Germany
Sector: Real Estate
Listing: Regulated Market of Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Prime Standard)
Offer size: EUR 262m (EUR 100,000 per bond)
Coupon range: 0.125% – 0.625% p.a. (semiannually)
Conversion premium: 30.0% – 35.0% above the reference price
Issue price: 100% of the principal amount
Maturity: 5 years
Final pricing terms: 0.625% Coupon, 30.0% Conversion premium
Use of Proceeds: General corporate purposes, including the refinancing of existing indebtedness
Berenberg Role: Joint Global Coordinator & Joint Bookrunner
Syndicate: Berenberg, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank (Joint Global Coordinators & Joint Bookrunners)
- Launch of ABB: 23 August 2017
- Pricing date: 23 August 2017
- Maturity date: 1 September 2022 (5 years)
Hapag-Lloyd AG
Hapag-Lloyd AG
Hapag-Lloyd operates as a container shipping liner company
Issuer: Hapag-Lloyd AG
Ticker: HLAG GY
Deal type: Senior Unsecured Bond
Country: Germany
Volume: EUR 450m
Coupon/ Maturity: 5.125% 07/2024
Use of Proceeds: Refinance existing indebtedness and general corporate purposes
Syndicate: Berenberg, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank (Joint Global Coordinators & Joint Bookrunners), Credit Agricole, HSH Nordbank, MM Warburg (Joint Bookrunners)
Berenberg Role: Joint Global Coordinator & Joint Bookrunner
Date: Jul 2017
Demire Real Estate AG
Demire Real Estate AG
German public real estate company focused on quality offices, retail and logistics properties across Germany in secondary locations
Issuer: Demire Real Estate AG
Ticker: DMRE GY
Deal type: Senior Unsecured Bond
Country: Germany
Volume: EUR 270m
Coupon/ Maturity: 2.875% 07/2022
Use of Proceeds: Refinance existing indebtedness (including prepayment fees) and pay related fees and expenses
Syndicate: Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley (Joint Global Coordinators & Joint Bookrunners), Berenberg (Joint Bookrunner)
Berenberg Role: Joint Bookrunner
Date: Jul 2017
Alfmeier Praezisions SE
Alfmeier Praezisions SE
Alfmeier manufactures and supplies automotive components and provides brake power boosting, fuel supply systems, valve control, crankcase ventilation, and thermal management, and seat comfort systems
Issuer: Alfmeier Praezisions SE
Deal type: Schuldschein / Private Placement
Country: Germany
Volume: undisclosed
Coupon/ Maturity: undisclosed
Syndicate: Berenberg (Sole Global Coordinator & Sole Bookrunner)
Berenberg Role: Sole Global Coordinator & Sole Bookrunner
Date: Jul 2017
Otto provides commercial services. Otto focuses on multichannel retailing, embracing procurement, logistics, financial services, and quality control. Otto serves customers worldwide.
Issuer: OTTO GmbH & Co KG
Ticker: OTTO GY
Deal type: Senior Unsecured Bond
Country: Germany
Volume: EUR 300m
Coupon/ Maturity: 1.875% 06/2024
Use of Proceeds: Refinance existing indebtedness and general corporate purposes
Syndicate: Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, ING (Joint Global Coordinators & Joint Bookrunners), Berenberg, MM Warburg (Co-Lead Managers)
Berenberg Role: Co-Lead Manager
Date: Jun 2017
Hapag-Lloyd AG
Hapag-Lloyd AG
Hapag-Lloyd operates as a container shipping liner company
Issuer: Hapag-Lloyd AG
Ticker: HLAG GY
Deal type: Senior Unsecured Bond Tap
Country: Germany
Volume: EUR 200m
Yield/ Maturity: 6.186% 02/2022
Use of Proceeds: Refinance existing indebtedness and general corporate purposes
Syndicate: Berenberg, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank (Joint Global Coordinators & Joint Bookrunners), ING, HSH Nordbank, MM Warburg (Joint Bookrunner)
Berenberg Role: Joint Global Coordinator & Joint Bookrunner
Date: Feb 2017
Sixt Leasing SE
Sixt Leasing SE
Sixt Leasing provides vendor-neutral and non-bank leasing services. Sixt Leasing offers private, corporate, fleet and international leasing, fleet management, and individual fleet solutions
Issuer: Sixt Leasing SE
Ticker: LNSX GY
Deal type: Senior Unsecured Bond
Country: Germany
Volume: EUR 250m
Coupon/ Maturity: 1.120% 02/2022
Use of Proceeds: Refinance existing indebtedness and general corporate purposes
Syndicate: Berenberg, Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank (Joint Global Coordinators & Joint Bookrunners)
Berenberg Role: Joint Global Coordinator & Joint Bookrunner
Date: Feb 2017
Hapag-Lloyd AG
Hapag-Lloyd AG
Hapag-Lloyd operates as a container shipping liner company
Issuer: Hapag-Lloyd AG
Ticker: HLAG GY
Deal type: Senior Unsecured Bond
Country: Germany
Volume: EUR 250m
Coupon/ Maturity: 6.750% 02/2022
Use of Proceeds: Refinance existing indebtedness and general corporate purposes
Syndicate: Berenberg, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank (Joint Global Coordinators & Joint Bookrunners), ING, HSH Nordbank, MM Warburg (Joint Bookrunner)
Berenberg Role: Joint Global Coordinator & Joint Bookrunner
Date: Jan 2017
Vonovia SE
Vonovia SE
Vonovia – a real estate company – manages, leases, and sells apartments. Vonovia offers residential real estate to customers throughout Germany
Issuer: Vonovia SE
Ticker: VNA GY
Deal type: Senior Unsecured Bond
Country: Germany
Volume: EUR 500m
Coupon/ Maturity: 0.750% 01/2022
Use of Proceeds: Refinance existing indebtedness and general corporate purposes
Syndicate: Barclays, Berenberg, Deutsche Bank, J.P. Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Société Générale (Joint Global Coordinators & Joint Bookrunners)
Berenberg Role: Joint Global Coordinator & Joint Bookrunner
Date: Jan 2017