European banks unjustly tainted by reputation

In our Insights publication, portfolio manager Christian Bettinger provides interesting insights into the European banking sector and shows how flexible fixed income approaches in particular can exploit opportunities in volatile market phases.

Bond investors currently need nerves of steel: persistently high inflationary pressure, rising yields and the Russia-Ukraine conflict have been weighing on the prices of fixed income securities since the beginning of the year. At the same time, the combination of high input costs and still-disrupted supply chains threatens to spoil companies’ quarterly results. In this publication, we examine the extent to which European banks are affected and demonstrate that it is well worth taking a closer look at bonds from banks.

Learn more about the attractiveness of European financial bonds and the strategy of Berenberg Credit Opportunities.

Read the full publication here


Christian Bettinger
Head of Portfolio Management Fixed Income

Suitable investment solution

Fixed Income

Opportunistic and benchmark-free corporate bond portfolio with a focus on steady coupon yields, flexible positioning, and a broad investment universe.

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1 year

Berenberg Financial Bonds R A

LU0636630005 | A1JBQ7
Date: 24.03.2025
ISIN: LU0636630005
Performance 1 year: 8.59%
Volatility 1 year: 1.65%
NAV: 139.94 EUR

Berenberg Financial Bonds R D

LU2116693222 | A2PZPX
Date: 24.03.2025
ISIN: LU2116693222
Performance 1 year: 8.40%
Volatility 1 year: 1.65%
NAV: 111.49 EUR