Frequently asked questions about our approach:
- Why long-term investing?
- What is a quality company?
- What kind of growth do we target?
- Why is a low debt burden important?
- How do we look at management teams?
- How do we engage with management?
- How are ESG factors integrated?
- What is important when looking at valuation?
- How do we construct our portfolios?
- How do we think about risk?
- Why do we invest across the entire market cap range?
- How do we work?

Matthias Born
Matthias Born has been CIO Equities since 2017 and Head of Investments of Wealth and Asset Management since 2019. He started his career in 2001 at Allianz Global Investors (AGI), where he managed portfolios for European Small Caps, European growth stocks and German equities from 2002 to 2017. In his 16 years at AGI, he has built two very successful equity franchises and was responsible for client assets in the double-digit billions. Matthias Born has an excellent track record over two decades and received several awards for his outstanding and consistent performance. He studied at the University of Wuerzburg and holds a degree in Business Administration.

Kay Eichhorn-Schott
Kay Eichhorn-Schott has been a Portfolio Manager at Berenberg since October 2017. Kay started his career in the Berenberg International Graduate Program in October 2015 and joined the Wealth and Asset Management division in London after completing the program. He holds a Master of Science in Finance and studied at EBS Business School, University of Bath and Texas A&M University. Kay Eichhorn-Schott is a CFA Charterholder.
Suitable investment solutions
We offer funds with convincing track records and top ratings. All of our equity investments are based on comprehensive analyses and close interaction with members of these companies’ top management. In doing so, we consider ESG issues to be an essential part of our approach.