Wealth and Asset Mangement

ESG Investments

Our ESG approach

Sustainable investing

ESG integration can differ significantly from one asset class to another for a variety of reasons such as the availability, type and quality of data as well as the current methodological approaches and market conditions.

How can you invest sustainably with us?

We offer various ESG investing strategies with different degrees of ESG consideration to account for a diverse client needs across equity, fixed income and multi asset:

*For equity investments in public funds dependent on local restrictions.

Our ESG SCREENED strategies base their ESG approach on the binding exclusion or restriction of certain activities in order to account for material ESG risks. Strategies in this category apply the Berenberg WAM ESG exclusion criteria including the exclusion of companies associated with very severe ESG controversies.

Our ESG INTEGRATED strategies apply a combination of ESG integration instruments in order to exclude or restrict the involvement in certain activities, to account for ESG risks and opportunities in the investment analysis, and to exert influence as an active investor via engagement and proxy voting activities.

Our ESG TARGETED and IMPACT FOCUSED strategies apply focused ESG approaches such as positive screening based on a variety of ESG or impact criteria. Additional and stricter ESG exclusion criteria are applied to further restrict investments in activities that, among others, do not support positive impacts. ESG targeted strategies implement a specific ESG target. In Impact focused strategies, we only include companies, issuers, and project-related investments such as Green Bonds, that generate measurable positive impacts on society or the environment and help to solve global challenges via products, services or financed projects.

Frequently asked questions about our ESG approach





Sustainability-related disclosure according to Article 10 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 in conjunction with Article 24 et seq. of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1288 to asset management strategies

ESG INTEGRATED asset management strategies

Global Equities

Global Equities Income

Mittelstand Equities

Sustainable Income 1

Sustainable Income 2

Sustainable Income 3

Sustainable Income 4

ESG SCREENED asset management strategies

Fund Strategy 1

Fund Strategy 2

Fund Strategy 3

Fund Strategy 4

Fund Strategy 5

Core Strategy 2

Core Strategy 3

Core Strategy 4

Core Strategy 5

Total Return

Sustainability-related disclosure according to Article 10 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 in conjunction with Article 24 et seq. of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1288 to dicretionary mandate strategies

Discretionary mandates

In the case of individual asset management strategies (so-called discretionary mandates), environmental and/or social characteristics and/or sustainable investments can be taken into account, depending on the ESG elements implemented.

Dicretionary mandate according to Art. 8 SFDR

Dicretionary mandate according to Art. 9 SFDR

Globalway II & Sectorway II

Solidway 80 II & Solidway 50 II

Important notes

Investing involves risk. The value of investments and the income derived therefrom may fall as well as rise and investors may get back less than the amount invested. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns.