Responsible Acting

Sustainable Investing

More about our ESG investments

Good for our future and your assets

Sustainability has taken centre stage in society – and this is also true for investments. For a long time, it was not clear whether investing according to ESG guidelines reduces or improves the financial success of an investment. However, recent years have shown that sustainable investing does not have to be at the expense of performance – quite the opposite.

We offer our customers not only financially sound investments, but also those that meet social and environmental criteria. ESG investment strategies consider environmental (E), social (S) and governance (G) aspects in addition to traditional fundamental aspects such as micro- and macroeconomic information.

Not all companies and issuers we invest in are already perfect. That is rarely the case in the real world. Important for us is the direction of travel

Matthias Born, Head of Investments

Berenberg ESG activities and collaboration

Berenberg is signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) and member of the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN). Further, we support the investor initiative KnowTheChain (KTC) and the Access to Medicine Foundation in order to exchange with other investors, to engage jointly “with one voice” and, ultimately, to support positive change.