Asset classes

Multi Asset

To our Multi Asset Funds

Diversification implemented decisively

Our aim is for our clients to derive above-average profits from capital market opportunities – with moderate risk tolerance and a long-term investment horizon.

Multi-asset strategies are noted for being highly flexible and can respond continuously to specific market situations. With our modern asset management strategies we go well beyond a simple, static mix of bonds and equities, making flexible use of other asset classes to achieve an optimised balance between risks and returns.

Our multi-asset management approach

  • Holistic thinking

    • Acknowledged capital market expertise of our portfolio managers and investment strategists
    • Pooling the expertise of Berenberg’s economists, investment strategists and asset class specialists
    • Sustainability as a core element when selecting individual securities
  • Active Allocation

    • Dynamic management of asset allocation and successful securities selection
    • Strategic long-term investments combined with tactical finesse to exploit market opportunities
    • Broad diversification across asset classes, segments and regions
      Investments not restricted to benchmarks, also for specific topics
  • Clear actions

    • Structured investment process with investment committee and asset allocation committee
    • Logical investment decisions underpinned by sound analytics
    • Transparent, timely communications

As an active manager we have well-founded opinions about capital markets, which we put into practice by taking clear decisions – sometimes also counter-cyclically and by departing from benchmarks.

Prof. Dr. Bernd Meyer, Chief Investment Strategist and Head of Multi Asset

Our strategic focus areas

Our broad range of strategies will offer you the right investment solution and many ways of putting it into practice: Professional asset management with numerous strategies, tailor-made institutional funds and managed accounts, as well as funds for private investors.

Defensive & total return strategies

Modern multi-asset solutions for risk-conscious investors in the interest rate environment

Balanced & offensive strategies

Multi-asset classics for exposure to capital markets with balanced to higher risk appetite


Opportunistic off-benchmark solutions for the new market environment

Sustainable strategies

Responsible multi-asset solutions for the sustainably-minded investor


Individual strategies to hedge portfolio risks

Learn more

Your contact

Isabell Silverio
Product Specialist Multi Asset
Phone +49 69 91 30 90-598

Important notice: Investing involves risk. The value of investments and the income derived therefrom may fall as well as rise and investors may get back less than the amount invested. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns.