Preserving capital, adding value

We identify many opportunities on international bond markets for our clients and implement them with a focus on risks and return in the respective interest rate environment.

Our portfolio managers draw on the full range of Berenberg expertise available from our economists, capital markets strategists and research teams to select individual securities at fixed or floating interest rates. This gives us an interdisciplinary and holistic perspective on bond markets.

Bond management approach

  • Strategic strength

    • Flexible management of durations, credit and liquidity
    • Selective bond-picking based on proprietary analysis
    • Opportunistic participation in new issues markets
    • Individual degrees of freedom in the broad investment universe offer flexibility in the interest rate environment
  • Innovative engagement

    • Flexible approach to the complex bond market for attractive risk-adjusted return
    • Dedicated sustainability focus in various segments
    • Active and transparent investment processes
    • Continuous risk controls are a fundamental component
  • Interdisciplinary perspective

    • Combination of rule-based and discretionary decision-making
    • Close cooperation between the Multi-Asset and Strategy & Research teams
    • Direct discussions with the companies in cooperation with the equity fund management team

Bond investors tend to have a long-term perspective, so ESG risks should be factored into the investment decision.

Christian Bettinger, Leiter Fixed Income Euro & Emerging Markets

Our strategic focus areas

Our focused fixed income strategy portfolio offers you selected investment solutions in various market segments. We implement them for institutional and private investors in the form of customised institutional funds, specialist mandates and funds.


Active investment with a focus on bonds denominated in euro and a dynamic portfolio positioning. Also available as a sustainable investment fund.


Flexible, innovative solutions that use the entire range of ratings and capital structures to improve returns and diversify interest rate risks.

Global & Emerging markets

Active investment in sovereign and corporate bonds from globally significant fixed income markets in local and hard currencies. Also available as a fund promoting ecological and social objectives.

Liquidity solutions

Actively managed, broadly diversified, short-dated fixed income funds that can generate higher income than money market investments or track euro money market rates. Also available as individual liquidity solutions.

Your contact

Isabell Silverio
Product Specialist Multi Asset
Phone +49 69 91 30 90-598

Important notice: Investing involves risk. The value of investments and the income derived therefrom may fall as well as rise and investors may get back less than the amount invested. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns.